$5 Million for Gingrich Can’t Buy Love

From the New York Times:

“As candidates spent the weekend trying to catch up to Mitt Romney in New Hampshire, with the primary just two days away, a longtime supporter of Newt Gingrich donated $5 million to a “super PAC” backing his presidential bid, providing a major boost to Mr. Gingrich’s ailing campaign.

The donation by Sheldon Adelson was reported Saturday night by The Washington Post. He has long been a generous patron of Mr. Gingrich’s political career. The super PAC, Winning Our Future, was formed last month by Becky Burkett, who served until earlier last year as chief development officer for American Solutions, a political action committee that Mr. Gingrich founded. The cash infusion from Mr. Adelson instantly catapults Winning Our Future into the top ranks of candidate super PACs, groups that can raise unlimited amounts of money from donors and spend it all on advertisements and other efforts to back a specific candidate, so long as they do not coordinate with the campaign.”

Is Shelly throwing good money after bad? Casino money goes the “Family Values” guy. What’s next, Mobsters for Mitt? Pimps for Palin?

Maybe it’s not that deep. Maybe it’s no deeper than Newt’s asserted that the Palestinians are “an invented people.” I’m not sure if that’s supposed to be disparaging because I suspect that moniker could be applied to European Jews with Russian ethnic roots, “Americans,” white South Africans, or other transplanted European colonials throughout South America who’ve embraced a new world nationalism, while retaining vice-like cultural affinities with their larger “white” collectives. What’s Newt talkin’ about?

It’s just more of the same…fabrication, falsification, justification.

One comment

  1. The general election will make this 5M donation look like petty cash. This will be by far and away the nastiest election we will have ever seen — and that is saying a lot. The Citizens United decision will be nastiness on never before season steroids…

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